The Fast 50 Award is sponsored and compiled by Catalyst Corporate Finance. For several years we have been entered into the CIWM Sustainability and resource awards for the Fast50 award. Fast 50 is awarded based on the fastest-growing businesses within the UK Waste and Resource industry using accounts information submitted to Companies House. Over the last few years, we have placed as a finalist for the Fast 50 award.
On the 3rd of November, we were awarded 3rd place which shows we have progressed since placing 8th in 2014 and 4th in 2015.
We hope that we continue to grow as a successful business, with the great efforts contributed from all our staff and the great relationships we have built with our customers.
Simply Waste Solutions has grown to become one of the UK’s largest independently owned waste management companies, making more than 50,000 collections a week, managing over 100,000 tonnes of waste per year, with a Fleet of 45 vehicles and a team of more than 100 employees. Striving towards creating a circular economy where your waste powers your business: computers run on electricity generated from residual waste; signage is printed on board recycled from your coffee cups, and canteen food is grown with compost from anaerobic digesters fed by your canteen waste.
We have appeared in the top 10 for the third year in a row, this year reaching the third position. So why is it some companies manage to stay high in the list of 50, while others don’t, sometimes appearing in a high position one year, then disappearing completely the next? Mark Wilson from Catalyst Corporate finance puts this down to continuity of strong leadership, an owner/manager mindset, a clear strategy, operational control and a valued position in their regional market. “It is hugely difficult to sustain high growth rates and companies like Simply Waste should be commended,” he said. “I think we should have a prize for sustaining a top 10 position over three years.” He continued to say; On the subject of noticing companies that crop up again and again, you may notice in the list a distinct lack of what you might describe as the “big” waste companies, such as Biffa, Veolia, FCC Environment and Viridor. According to Mark, this is because it’s difficult for very large businesses to grow at the growth rates set by mid-market businesses.
If you would like to find out more about the reward and all the entered businesses for the award then please click below:
CIWM FAST 50 2016