Taking action to reduce waste miles
Simply Waste Solutions is committed to extracting as much resource from your waste as possible. This means guaranteeing that none of your waste is sent to landfill sites that produce methane gas, which is twenty times more harmful than CO2. Instead, your waste is treated in the most sustainable manner that moves you further up the waste hierarchy and improves your sustainability credentials.
We achieve this by helping our clients segregate their waste effectively so we can recycle and recover as much of the material as possible. Whilst not everything can be recycled, we are still committed to deriving as much value from it as possible by sending it to waste to energy processing plants that turn it into energy to power local communities.
We invest a great deal of time in collaborating with our clients to better understand why they produce the waste they do and then implement practical measures to help them reduce this and recycle more. This is achieved by on-site audits, the use of bin weighing technology, our powerful reporting suite and through our own expertise as waste professionals.
We know we have the tools to help you waste less and recycle more and, what’s more, we can also save you money.