All non-essential stores were forced to close and have only recently been allowed to reopen. To do so, they must follow Government guidelines which include restricting the number of people allowed inside and face coverings being worn by all customers. Continue reading “How COVID-19 Might Effect the Waste Industry – Retail”
Category: Recycling
How COVID-19 Might Effect the Waste Industry – Office
Offices have looked very different over the past few months as employers and employees have been getting used to working from home. Employees have started returning to their places of work but it is causing many employers to look at working in the office in a different way. Great for some, but how might this affect the waste industry? Continue reading “How COVID-19 Might Effect the Waste Industry – Office”
Is Your Confidential Waste Being Securely Destroyed?
While working habits have changed, the need for confidential waste management has not. Continue reading “Is Your Confidential Waste Being Securely Destroyed?”
Earth Overshoot Day 2020
Today (22nd August) marks this year’s Earth Overshoot Day. Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can generate in that year. Continue reading “Earth Overshoot Day 2020”
Are you handling your Test and Trace details correctly?
As part of the Government’s ongoing COVID-19 response, NHS Test and Trace, hospitality and leisure businesses are required to keep a record of visitors to the premises. Continue reading “Are you handling your Test and Trace details correctly?”
One hotel company’s mission to a greener future
Many of us have been dreaming of going away while being in lockdown. Just to give you some holiday envy we thought we’d share an experience of how you can be eco-conscious when travelling.
Continue reading “One hotel company’s mission to a greener future”
Simply Wear Masks
As a company, the safety of our employees and customers is our number one priority. Some of our employees need to enter businesses to collect waste that you are now required by law to wear face coverings. Continue reading “Simply Wear Masks”
3 Waste and Recycling Myths Debunked
Five Ways to Reduce Your Impact on the World
Five simple things you can do to reduce your impact on the world: Continue reading “Five Ways to Reduce Your Impact on the World”
Tips for 5 Common Throwaways at Christmas
What does Christmas day look like at your house? Wrapping paper is strewn across the floor, the smell of the Christmas dinner cooking in the oven, stacks of empty cardboard boxes and packaging, the half-empty tubs of chocolates (who keeps putting the wrappers back?!), sound familiar? But what should you do with all the extra waste that’s created over the holiday time? Continue reading “Tips for 5 Common Throwaways at Christmas”