Don’t let your efforts go to waste
Adopting good waste management practice on site will help your business comply with environmental legislation, reduce your costs and will assist in creating a positive image of your company.
By adhering to these simple do’s and don’t’s will play a large part in ensuring a trouble-free waste collection process.
…..talk to us. We’re never too busy to talk to our customers about waste and any concerns you have about what you’re disposing of or best practice.
…..keep your bin free of obstructions.
…..only fill your bin to the lip; the lid should be able to close even when the bin is full.
…..put the right waste in the right bin; contamination causes service interruption.
…..block access to the containers or chain things like bikes to the containers.
…..ignore problems; if you have an issue, however small, please raise it with us. We are here to offer solutions not cause problems.
…..overfill containers; anything over the lip will be charged as excess waste. If you are producing more waste than your bin can hold please contact us for the best solution.